Move-in and Convocation are raucous celebrations

Fall 2022 Move-in and Convocation at Mount Holyoke noisily and joyfully marked the beginning of the 2022–2023 academic year and students’ continuing intellectual adventures.

Fall 2022 Move-in and Convocation highlighted the themes of hope and adventure, as well as the virtues of resilience and adaptability. 

Move-in Day was on September 9, 2022, and swarms of first-year and transfer students, along with their families and friends, descended on the campus. 

Student Gray Bolduc ’26 arrived with parents Sandra and Ben from Andover, Massachusetts. The Bolducs, wearing “MOUNT HOLYOKE MOM” and “MOUNT HOLYOKE DAD” shirts, respectively, were thrilled with the campus. 

“We came on campus right as the bells were chiming,” said Sandra, “and I thought, ‘It’s right out of a movie!’” 

Students quickly stashed their gear in their residence hall rooms and went to Chapin to be welcomed by members of the administration. 

Statistics about the class of 2026: 551 incoming students from 41 states and 40 countries, 14% first-generation, 24% international, 25% identify as students of color, 44 have alum relatives
Class of 2026 statistics: 552 incoming first-year students from 41 states and 40 countries, 56% were in the top 10% of their graduating class, 14% are first-generation students, 25% of domestic students identify as students of color, 24% are international students.

Leykia Nulan, dean of admission, said, “Let me be the first to welcome the class of 2026 in all your glory.” 

She shared some statistics about this year’s entering class. “142 of you speak a second language,” she read. “49 of you have relatives that went to 鶹ý; 263 of you play one or more sports; 88 of you are first-generation college students.”

Marcella Runell Hall, vice president of student life and dean of students, then took to the podium. “Families, your students are in good hands,” she said. “We are beginning a new chapter together. Thank you for supporting your students to get to this time and place.”

Hall addressed the students. “Today may still feel surreal. We will be by your side as you figure it all out,” she said. 

Next, interim President Beverly Daniel Tatum spoke to the students; she said she was continually inspired by a saying of St. Francis of Assissi: “The journey is essential to the dream.” 

“You have a dream, a vision, for your life and think that Mount Holyoke will help you to get there,” Tatum said. “And — you’re right! We want you to see the full picture of the world around you. You’re ready. The adventure is yours. Let’s go!”

Convocation, the celebration that marks the official beginning of the academic year, was originally scheduled for September 6, 2022, before the first day of classes. However, due to torrential rainfall, the tradition was postponed until September 18. 

While Convocation’s day might have changed, the enthusiasm for it did not. Students filed into the Gettell Amphitheater in class colors, bedecked in flower crowns, headbands, cowboy hats, parasols and at least two banana costumes. They were prepared to holler their support for their fellow students, the Mount Holyoke faculty, staff, administrators and guest speakers and performers. 

Nic McGrath ’24, a Frances Perkins Scholar from Northampton, said she was ready to “rep being an FP and to hear Dr. Tatum’s speech.” 

Faculty wore their academic regalia of robes and hoods. “This is my first time at Convocation,” said Olivia Aguilar, Leslie and Sarah Miller Director of the Miller Worley Center for the Environment and associate professor of environmental studies. “I’m looking forward to the excitement of the students and the support of each class.” 

Before the program began, chants of “Y-O! K-E!” and “20-23! 20-23!” rang out from the amphitheater. 

Karena Strella ’90, chair of the Board of Trustees, opened the ceremony by noting, “I think South Hadley knows you’re back.” 

Interim President Beverly Daniel Tatum welcomed all. “It’s great to see you here, and guess what?” she said. “It’s not raining!” 

“We have so much to be grateful for here at Mount Holyoke — great students, fabulous faculty and staff, beautiful surroundings and so much opportunity to learn together,” she said in her address. “The Common Read this year is “Braiding Sweetgrass,” and you know that the author writes eloquently about the power and importance of expressing gratitude not just to each other but to the natural world from which we take so much. So, in that spirit, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to this community for welcoming me back to Mount Holyoke so warmly,” she said. 

“Though the 鶹ý I left 20 years ago — when I headed to Atlanta to become the president of Spelman College — is not identical to the Mount Holyoke I am experiencing today, one thing remains unchanged: It’s still an adventure to be here! In our mission statement, we describe Mount Holyoke as providing an ‘intellectually adventurous’ education. There is something bold in describing a 鶹ý education as ‘intellectually adventurous,’” she said. “This College has been a bold place from its very beginning — a place that has done adventurous, maybe even risky, things and produced bold graduates, alums who are choosing their own adventure every day.”

Faculty speaker KC Haydon, associate professor and co-chair of psychology and education, requested one thing from the student body. “This is a bullet list moment for me, to hear the cheers from onstage,” she said. “Can you indulge me?” The students obliged, roaring their support for her. 

Haydon talked about the power of trying new things and the importance of being “intentionally, actively, boldly, really bad at something,” she said. “To be blunt, to completely suck at something.” 

“This helps me stay grounded in what it feels like to be a beginner,” she said, after reciting her failures at learning the mandolin, watercolor painting, dancing the Bachata and team rowing. 

“And there is so much to learn from that beginner’s mindset. It keeps me close to that curiosity and the adrenaline rush that happens when we grow. And it sustains my empathy for students who are working hard to learn something new in my classes. All of this helps me be a better teacher.”

Jordan Lassonde ’16, the Staff Council representative, said to the students, “You are what we [faculty and staff] hold in common, and what we all strive for is to make a home for you.”

Maille Romulus ’24, the Student Government Association president, talked about the responsibility of community. She shared something her mentor once told her: “Whenever something good happens to you, take someone with you.”

“So what does this mean?” she asked. “Is it that every time you get an opportunity you physically grab someone that you think would benefit from this opportunity and work to create space for them too? Well, yes. But why? Why do you always have to make space for someone else when you could just bask in your opportunity and continue to grow?

“You do this because we all have the responsibility to fight white supremacy. We all have a responsibility to look around, understand who is not present and bring them to the spaces we’re in. It is on each of us to help create the communities we want to be a part of and to bring others with us.”

The event ended with the Convocation Choir singing the “,” but the entire amphitheater thunderously chimed in to sing the lyric “Mount Holyoke forever shall be!” 

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