Emergency Notification System

The Emergency Notification System allows the College to effectively communicate emergency information to a large number of people at virtually the same time. It will not be used as a way to send non-emergency, routine or spam messages.

In the event of an emergency the College will contact the community by sending messages via:

  • Text message to cell phones or mobile devices
  • Voice message (mobile or land-line)
  • Email to campus email addresses

Example Situations

  • Facility emergencies.
  • Potential life-threatening situations on campus.
  • Extreme weather conditions.
  • Activation of the emergency response team.

Policy on Participant Conduct

This service is designed to alert individual participants when an emergency occurs that requires the College community鈥檚 attention or action.

It is College policy that participants:

  • DO enter their information completely and accurately.
  • DO update their information when it changes.
  • DO NOT enter false contact information.
  • DO NOT enter others' contact information.